The Syrian civil war has taken place since the beginning of 2011 when opposing groups demonstrated their demands against state president Bashar el-Assad. The United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) was tasked and established in 2012 as result of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2043 with aim to respond the Syrian civil war. At the very beginning on 21 April in 2012 mission itself was set up to monitor and support the full implementation of the Joint Special Envoy’s six-point plan to give an end to the civil war in Syrian State. Folowing months on fifteenth June mission had to suspend it’s activities in the region on account of escalation of armed violances and intensification of violent activities within the country. Following the Security Council extended the duration of operation for more 30 days by stating that any continuation will be possible on conditions such as the reduction of violences and de-escalation of armed activities which will allow the Security Council to make decision regarding the extension of operation both in terms of capacity and duration of operation. Eventually none of these conditions were met and the UNSMIS were withdrawn on nineteenth August 2012.
The main purpose of the presentation will be pointing out the main aim of the UN regarding the intervention within the civil war and the objectives of Iran by involving the civil war at the very outset of the civil war. While comparing the Iranian both political and regional interests with the Syria civil war at the same time the perspective of the UN and US led West coalition approaches the Syrian civil war. One of the main questions will be whether the UNSMIS was established on the demand and consent of the host government or just by the UN security’s initiation itself. To answer fundamental questions such as opertions were welcomed and acknowledged by warring parties in the conflict, were seen friendly and possible supportive factor for the peace talks by the local people, main dimensions of the Syrian government and president Assad relationship with Iran and West will be tried to assessed in order to be able to make a connection with the UN if it’s in fact there is one and could be stated so.
Ultimately the assessment of objectives of Iran and the UN intervention towards the ongoing Syrian civil war will be the main goal to answer. To do so comparing the approaches of both sides is predominantly important. Therefore comparison regarding the approaches of both sided will be another objective to state. With respect to Assad, his actions in the conflict and wills to achieve what he has tasked him to achieve since the outbreak of conflict will be another objective of presentation either. By doing all of these the main objective of Iran and the UN involvement within the ongoing Syrian civil war will be tried to answer.
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