Azerbaycan-İran İlişkilerinin Geleceğine yönelik beklentilerin Stratejik Kültür yaklaşımı ile yorumlanması

Abstract views: 66


  • Allahverdi Mehdiyev Sakarya Unversitesi


Strategic culture, Azerbaijan-Iran Relations, Security, Foreign Policy


The Strategic Culture approach argues that the relations between states are not only based on political, military or economic factors, but also cultural, historical and social factors. Based on this approach, it is possible to say that cultural similarities and differences, as well as organizational differences at the state level, have a significant impact on the direction of relations, especially in the shaping of relations between states. The aim of this research is to interpret the effect of strategic culture on Azerbaijan-Iran relations and to produce thoughts on how it can shape or shape the relations. The main subject of this study is to examine the strategic culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to determine its role in relations with Iran. One of the main claims of the study is that the strategic culture approach offers an explanatory perspective in Azerbaijan-Iran relations. In this context, our study seeks answers to a few basic questions: a) Which factors are at the forefront in the formation of the strategic culture of Azerbaijan? In order to find an answer to this question, subjects such as the historical past of Azerbaijan, the emergence and effect of symbols in the process of statehood, the effect of the post-independence economy on the strategic culture were investigated. b) Can the effect of strategic culture be observed in the political developments between Azerbaijan and Iran? How is it observed? In order to find an answer to this question, the status of the Caspian and Iran's attitude in the Karabakh wars were examined. The following findings were reached in the study, which was shaped around these questions: a) Symbolic and environmental factors are at the forefront in the formation of Azerbaijan's strategic culture. Especially the perception of threat from Iran and Russia to a certain extent has made Azerbaijan's strategic perception pro-Western. b) The strategic cultures of the two countries conflict. While Azerbaijan's strategic culture advises to establish good relations with as many Western powers as possible, Iran, on the contrary, perceives this situation as a threat. c) An independent Azerbaijan state, which is strong and able to solve its problems in the future, is perceived by Iran as a power that can create internal instability. Geopolitical shocks are required for this perception pattern to change. (very profitable, economic programs that will increase the welfare level, threats that will affect unsettling internal and external dynamics, etc.)




